Project Title

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Mohammed Gas

This project aims to enhance coding skills and prepare for technical interviews by utilizing Leetcode coding practice. As part of the CSS 497 Capstone class, I have undertaken the challenge of solving 11 Leetcode problems each week. Additionally, I have been meeting with my faculty advisor on a weekly basis to present a coding question and receive valuable feedback.

The primary objective of this project is to develop proficiency in solving algorithmic problems and improve problem-solving abilities. Leetcode provides a diverse range of coding challenges, covering various data structures and algorithms commonly encountered in technical interviews. By consistently engaging in Leetcode practice, I have been able to sharpen my coding skills and deepen my understanding of fundamental programming concepts.

Furthermore, engagement with my faculty adviser and mentor is an important element of this endeavor. I share a coding topic that I have solved and describe my method and reasons behind the answer during our weekly meetings. This process provides useful insights and suggestions for improving my problem-solving strategies and coding techniques. My mentor's criticism has been really helpful in refining my coding approach and optimizing my solutions.

Besides that, I was given the opportunity to give a presentation on a coding topic during one of my faculty member's seminars. I developed slides to illustrate the topic, examined several techniques, and gave an optimized solution for this presentation. This experience has not only enhanced my technical presenting skills, but it has also given me the opportunity to share my expertise with my peers.

Thus, this project has been a worthwhile exercise in terms of preparing for technical interviews and honing my coding skills. A thorough learning experience was offered by the mix of regular Leetcode practice, mentor feedback, and classroom presentations. As a result, I've gotten a better understanding of algorithms and data structures, increased my problem-solving abilities, and gained confidence in confronting coding obstacles.

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