Choose CR/NC as the grade
Project plan must include a schedule with deliverables. It is not mandatory that you meet the schedule precisely, but you should have a plan before you start. Your plan should encompass 400 hours of work.
Method and Criteria for Evaluation must include: Deliverables to your sponsor (if any), Regular reports, Colloquium slides + poster, Colloquium Abstract and Successful completion of the CSS colloquium.
Submit weekly progress reports for faculty research, fortnightly progress reports for all other capstones. All reports should be submitted via Canvas when possible and have
A research based report will have:
Other capstone project will have varying reports, but along the lines below:
What did you learn? What do you wish you would have learned?
How did you enjoy what you’re doing?
Things that went well? Things that didn’t go well? Things you would change if you did it over?
Was the mentoring handled well? Why or why not?
What were the challenges in your project? Did you have to communicate with non-technical people? If so, how did it go?
Problems? Cool things?
Would you like to continue working at your internship company? Why or why not?
The typical schedule for colloquium is 11:30-12:30 poster presentations followed by 1:00-4:00 for oral presentations. This can change, so make sure you watch for emails from capstone coordinator.
Refer material linked here to see how to create a quality poster and presentation slides